So here's the plan on food for the Wind Rivers. Basically I have 10-12 days on the trail, rest a day or so, then 6 days on the trail. So I'm dividing everything into 6 day increments - 6 days of breakfasts, lunches, and dinners in a package and so on. It's all freezer bag cooking (FBC), which means each of the hot meals is dehydrated and carried individually in a freezer bag, to which I'll add boiling water and put the bag into a cozy (insulated bag) and 10-15 minutes later, it's ready to eat.
I use a super-cat alky stove to boil the water. A super-cat is a cat food can with holes in sp
Photo at left: dehydrator trays, one with 14 oz baby onion and the other with 3 large peppers, dehydrated. See below for what these went into.
Photos below (1st 2): where the Santa Fe tracks used to be; where David and I walked for many years (the trains were running then), first with him riding my shoulders, later with us truckin' along side by side; where I walk now, trying stay in (more or less) shape.
Day 1
PB&J sandwich or leftover from day before, coffee.
Trail mix
Mash pot, OO, veggies, Spam or bacon, chz, salsa
Oatmeal, fruit, pecans, milk, coffee
Trail mix
Pasta, chix, olives, peppers, artichoke hearts, onions, etc. OO (photo is below - is this good or what!)
Eggs, flat bread, coffee
Bagel & chz
Chili mac, burger, chz, Fritos
Ebar, fruit, hot choc, coffee
Trail mix, Candy bar
Tom ka, rice, chicken, peanuts
Oatmeal, pecans, milk, sugar, coffee
Ebar, fruit
Spag, burger, veggies, OO, chz, flatbread
Eggs, flat bread, coffee
Ebar, Candy bar
Mash pts, OO, or bacon , miso soup
Ebar, fruit, hot choc, coffee
Trail mix, Candy bar
Alfredo, noodles, OO, chix, veggies
Eggs, flat bread, coffee
Ebar, fruit
Chinese food (freeze-dry)
Cheese toast, coffee
Trail mix or leftovers
Chili mac, burger, OO, chz, Fritos
Oatmeal, milk, fruit, nuts, coffee
Ebars, Candy bar
Thai noodle soup, chix
Eggs, flat bread, coffee
Jerky, Ebar, dry fruit
Chipotle gravy, beef or chix, noodles, veggies
Ebar, hot choc, coffee
Ebar, dry fruit, Candy bar
Tom ka, rice, chix
Trail mix, hot choc, coffee
Jerky, Trail mix
Mash pots, OO, Spam or bacon, chz
Eggs, flatbread, coffee
Candy, dry fruit
Thai noodle soup, chix
Oatmeal, fruit, sugar, coffee
Jerky, Trail mix
Spag, burger, parm cheese, veggies, flatbread
Eggs, flat bread, coffee
Trail mix, Candy bar
Mash pot, chix, veggies, flatbread
Trail mix, hot choc, coffee
Ebar, dry fruit
Pasta fresca, like in the photo, chix, peppers, etc.
Eggs, bagel, coffee
Jerky, Ebar
Tom ka, rice, chix
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